Jackcrist Hormati's Bio
Hey yow watzup!!!
Hello! Now i will introduce myself, My name is Jackcrist Dwiersi Rooman Septdaniel Leodourna Hormati, you can call me Jackcrist or Jacks. I leave in Pahlawan street, Sukaluyu Number 27. I born in bandung, at 21 september 2001. Im from 13 Junior High School, My hobby is swimming and listening music. My favourite food and drink is chocolate and milk. My favourite music is Bohemian Rhapsody. My future goals is wanna be a army like my father, he always ask me to be an army, and that's make me to be a good Army, my big sister is wanna be an army too, her name's called Grace, she's 16 years old, she school at 8 senior high school. I have a little sister too, her name is Christine, she's 4 years old. And of course i have parents.. and my family religion is Christian Protestant and of course, Me and my family always go to church every sunday at GII Dago
If you want to see my social media
-id Line : jackcristdwi
-facebook :Jackcrist Leodourna
-email :jackhormati@gmail.com
-instagram : vanstatesjacks
-twitter : @vanstatesjacks
-subscribe youtube : Vanstates Jacks
And... yeah that's enough for introducing myself, i hope you guys enjoyed, and see you later.. PEACE, OUT
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